There are many different publishing models available to authors, from approaching a traditional publisher to putting an e-book up on Amazon only, and many variations and combinations in between. Lindy Gifford of Manifest Identity has experience with pretty much every model out there.
Lindy can take a raw manuscript right through to publication and sales suggestions. And she knows how to work with folks who are not professional writers: plain talk, the right question asked, good answers given, and no publication world jargon or buzzwords.”
—Greg Rossel, author of Half-Hull Modeling
The First Step in Publishing Consulting
Lindy offers a preliminary assessment of the manuscript and artwork, for $300. Once reviewed, she shares her suggestions along with possible next steps in consultation with the author. Examples of Possible Next Steps:
- Submission for consideration by a traditional publisher, discussion of which ones are the best bet, and an overview of what that would entail;
- Independent publishing with Manifest Identity;
- Other possible avenues to publication;
- Further development and work from the author and what that might entail.
The preliminary assessment will provide authors with a better understanding of their publishing options, including outlets outside of MI’s services. Lindy will recommend the path she feels best suits the project, and the author can take the information gained from the assessment and use it however they wish. If the author and Lindy agree that MI is the right choice, the manuscript will either stay in Publishing Consulting for further refinement or move to Independent Publishing.